What are my rights ? How and who can help me exercise them?
What are my skills and what should I improve?
What are my support mechanisms? What skills do I need to empower myself?
Self evaluation to identify my triggers What triggers my discomfort?
Define wellness plan to prevent crisis episodes with the help of my supporters.
Stepping up my role in decision making Emergency Response Planning
What should my comfort space consist of? when should i use it
Learning how to climb on my own.
The analysis after the crisis Just learn from your mistakes.
Practice mindfulness / relaxation alone or with my support.
Play a sport .
New technologies to help me care.
Developing Peer Support Dynamics
Here’s what was discussed and learned this summer at the Estuary!
This is the last week of piloting a unique training program for people with mental health problems in Bucharest, Ploesti and Cluj. what over the counter is equal to adderall